How can I open Brightspace on myWURtoday app?

Via the myWURtoday app, you have access to the Brightspace page. Brightspace is the environment where you can see the necessary information about the courses you follow.

How Brightspace works, is explained in the Brightspace introduction (video)

This article explains how to get to the Brightspace page in your myWURtoday app.

1. Click on the Brightspace icon. This is the second left icon, shown in the balk at the bottom of the page. You will see the list of all courses in alphabetical order.

Find the course you would like to open in Brightspace.

2. Click on the external icon. This is illustrated as a green square with an arrow in it pointing to the right above. This icon is shown at the right of the balk of the specific course.


3. Fill in your WUR username and Password (in dutch: Wachtwoord).

4. Click on Sign in (in dutch: Aanmelden)

NOTE: The username and password are not required every time you visit the Bightspace via the myWURtoday app.