Updated for version: May 30, 2024 

Accessible via: 

Requires login via: ChatGPT / OpenAI, Google, Microsoft, or Apple 


Accuracy / Quality ★★★☆☆ 

Flexibility / Features ★★★★☆ 

Data security / Privacy ★★☆☆☆ 



  • Custom user instructions.
  • User control over data usage for training.
  • Functionalities including web browsing, document and image analysis, and code interpreter.
  • Access to customized chatbots.


  • Occasional hallucination.
  • Chat will default to lower-quality model during high server usage.
  • Image generation possible, but highly restricted in quality and quantity.


ChatGPT is a Large Language Model (LLM) that makes use of the GPT-4o model. ChatGPT Plus, which has more functionalities including the possibility to create your own chatbots, is currently only available on a subscription basis. For this guide we will focus on the free version only. How accurate the model’s output is depends on the specificity of the question asked.  

ChatGPT was trained on a large variety and volume of online data sources, including ones used without the authors’ permission. It also uses input as further model training by default, but this can be disabled via the user settings.  

Features and examples

Custom instructions

ChatGPT has a functionality where users can provide custom instructions that it will take into account in each conversation, which allows it to provide more tailored responses to their prompts. Here, you can fill in information about you: for example, what you do as for work/study, and what your hobbies and interests are (do be careful with which information you provide).  

For example, if you use ChatGPT to generate recipes but do not eat meat, an instruction like this could be useful:  

Screenshot of ChatGPT with custom instruction: I am a vegeterian. My goal is to diversify my cooking and discover new recipes.

Additionally, you can provide information about how you want ChatGPT to respond. This could include output length and tone.

Screenshot of how to instruct ChatGPT on how to formulate the response: "Use EU units for ingredient measurments and provide detailed step-by-step instructions

Disabling data usage for training

To make sure your input isn’t used for training, go to your profile > Settings > Data controls, and turn “Improve the model for everyone” off.

Schreenshot of chet GPT "your profile" menu
Screenshot of the Data control section in the Settings menu in ChatGPT. The moste above option allows users to stop improving the model for everyone.

Chat sharing

ChatGPT has the functionality to share links to chats, allowing others to read your conversations. Do note that this is not a permanent form of documentation: if the original chat is deleted, the link will not work anymore. To share links to chats, click the top right “Share chat” button, and create and copy your link.

Screenshot of the "Share chat" option in ChatGPT


Since Spring 2024 free users of ChatGPT have also received access to GPTs. These are customized chatbots that have been developed by paid users or associated businesses. Each GPT has its own customized set of instructions on how to behave towards its user and can contain a set of supplemental documents to expand its training data with highly specialized information. They can also be linked to external sources such as web interfaces, databases, or proprietary features through API connections, greatly expanding the functionality of the GPT. You can browse through GPTs through the ‘GPT Store’ and open a chat with any of these customized bots. A link to a GPT may also be shared with you, for example one designed by your teachers, for use during a course.

Code interpreter / Data analysis

Data files, such as *.csv, *.pdf, or *.xlsx files, can also be submitted to ChatGPT. Using the Python programming language these data files can then be analysed by ChatGPT and the information used to answer your question. The quality of the response does depend on the formulation of your prompt, as well as the clarity and formatting of the data file submitted. The Python script is used internally by ChatGPT to analyse these files. The added benefit of this method is that Python script written by ChatGPT can also be used within the ChatGPT environment and be tested for basic bugs or coding errors. Hence the quality of ChatGPT for coding tasks is also greater with the use of the Code Interpreter. Recommended is to copy the code used for either data analysis or coding tasks, to ensure a clear record exists of the code used by ChatGPT. This way you can always adjust the code if it needs to be adapted to a new situation or verify the functionality of the code before applying it more broadly.