
Updated for version: August 21st 2024

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Requires login via: Google, Apple


Accuracy / Quality ★★★☆☆

Flexibility / Features ★★★★☆

Data security / Privacy ★☆☆☆☆



  • Relatively fast image generation
  • High accuracy with text in images
  • Can make photorealistic images
  • Different aspect ratios
  • Long prompts allowed


  • Only 10 prompts per day / 40 images per day
  • Minor inaccuracies when generating human faces or limbs
  • All images become publicly accessible
  • Quality of downloadable images is lower for free accounts
  • Trained on a large volume of images, including copyrighted images


Ideogram is a smaller company that trained their own model on a large volume of images to create a high-quality image generator. As this model is less well known than some other available image generators, the speed of generation is relatively fast. Combined with a unique set of features such as the ability to add text in images, various aspect ratios, and the use of relatively long prompts, this model has a large potential for application.

The model does have several downsides, which include the use of a lot of trademarked/copyrighted images in their training data, resulting in these images being subject to potential lawsuits (no verdict has been reached yet in any court thus far). There is also a limit to the number of prompts you are allowed to submit per day (currently set at 10 per day, for 40 images per day), and any image created by any user automatically becomes publicly available in the free version. There are also minor deformations visible in the output when generating human faces and limbs, though the frequency of these errors has been decreasing over time.

Features and examples


The Remix feature in Ideogram allows the user to take an existing image and its prompt, and modify it slightly by indicating how much of the original image should be retained (0-100%), and what should be adjusted.

Using a publicly available image from Ideogram as an example, the Remix feature can be used to make a subtle difference to the output. In the example below, we indicated we want to use 40% of the original image, and want to change the panda to an image of Garfield the cat. While the generation is not perfect, it does allow for the same style to carry over between images.

Aspect ratio specification

Another unique feature about Ideogram is that you can specify what the ratio of the image output should be. In most image generators this is pre-set or has to be defined in the prompt (with various degrees of success). In Ideogram there are up to nine different ratios which can be selected.