How to use Student Support

On Student Support you will find instruction manuals, learning materials and answers for your questions about WUR's digital university. It is question driven and in English, just like the educational systems Wageningen University & Research uses. 

This manual describes how you can use Student Support and search for the information you need about WUR's digital university.

1. This is the navigation bar with handy links.

  • The WUR logo and Student Support Home brings you back to this home menu in Student Support.
  • Brightspace, myWYRtoday, Osiris and TE brings you directly to this educational systems.
  • Click on WUR student info to find the information for current students on the internet.

2.  In the Search bar you can ask your question like "How can I enrol for courses" or type one or more keywords like "enrol". Click on Search to see all the result for your search words

NB. You can only do this in Englisch.

3.  To find out and learn more about a subject or system, you can go to the specif manual. In the manual you find an overview of  questions and instructions.

TIP: Always start with the Getting started on each page. This gives you a quick start to each item.