How can I subscribe to or unsubscribe from news?
On the myWURtoday desktop you can customize your news feed. You can do this by following the news feed under the News tab.
By default, you are subscribed to all nine news topics. You can also enable alerts for selected topics to receive a notification each time a news item is published. To read the latest news, simply click on the News tab. If you’re not interested in receiving updates on certain topics, you can unsubscribe from them.
This manual describes how to subscribe to and unsubscribe from news.
Open myWURtoday in a web browser.

1. Open the User menu in the upper right corner.
2. Under Subscriptions & Notifications click on News, or Study Associations.
3. Here you can see the news feeds present in the app. With the switches, you can toggle between Subscribed and Unsubscribed.
4. You can enable alerts to receive notifications each time a new item is published in your selected topics. The same applies to Study Associations' feeds.
5. Some feeds are shown as Subscribed and cannot be edited. You are subscribed to them by default.