Personal Settings | How to manage Notifications

You can sign up to receive immediate email notifications on new and updated activities of your course happening in Brightspace, such as Announcements, Discussion forum posts, Assignment due dates, Feedback, Content, Grades, Quizzes.  It is possible to select which updates do you want to be notified of.

This article will explain how to manage your Notifications via e-mail updates

Notifications settings apply for your account in Brightspace, therefore they will apply for all Brightspace courses you are enrolled!

These notifications are not related to the notifications within Brightspace WUR homepage itself!

Teachers will usually send important updates through Announcements. When disabling other notifications it is recommended to at least set the option to receive updates on new announcements.

Open you Brightspace Homepage. Then,

1. Click on [your name] or picture in the Minibar in the upper right corner of the site

2. Click on Notifications

Click Account in upper right corner, then click Notifications

You will land on the Notifications page where you can adjust the settings. You can adjust the following sections:

Contact Methods

By default the WUR-mail address is used as the email notification address. When notifications should be sent to a different address click Change your email settings and enter a different address.

Contact Methods - change email if desired
Summary of Activity

Here you can select the frequency of the email summary:

  • Never - you will not receive any summary email even if your email is still included
  • Daily - summary email will be sent each day at a time you set. If time field is left blank the email will be sent at 0:00 (midnight).
  • Weekly - summary email will be sent weekly on a day and time you set.
Summary of Acticity - select either Never, Daily, or Weekly summary emails
Instant Notifications

Tick the selectbox(es) of course activities you want to receive the notifications emails

5. Instant notifications
Customize Notifications

Click the selectbox(es) to select whether or not to include grades in the notification e-mail (is ticked by default), and/or updates on future courses.

6. Customise notifications
Exclude Some Courses

When notifications should still be active but disabled for (a) specific course(s), click Manage my course exclusions and select which courses should be excluded from the notification e-mail.

7. Exclude some courses

3. After finishing updating your notification settings do not forget to click Save.

3. click Save

Now you know how to successfully manage your Notifications in Brightspace!

You are done. Great job!