Search | How to find my course in Brightspace

This article explains how to find the courses you are registered in Brightspace. When you enroll for a course in Osiris your enrollment in the Brightspace environment is done automatically. This article will explain how to:

In Brightspace you can only find:

  • Courses that you took in previous periods or years if they are still visible to students
  • Courses that you are currently enrolled in that have already started

Find a course in the Brightspace homepage

In the My courses widget select the tab that your course belongs to:

  1. Tab All - is the landing tab of the page, and will show thumbnails of pinned and recently visited course homepages (max 20 thumbnails)
  2. Tab Pinned - appears as soon as you pin a course
  3. Tab [academic year] - will show courses of the respective academic year
  4. [Other tabs] - will appear depending on your enrollments
  5. Arrow - will appear if more than 7 tabs are available
My courses - tabs

Make sure that you are looking in the right tab when you are looking for a course.

Search for a course in the the Course Selector drop-down menu

The Course Selector drop-down menu shows the visible courses for students. First, the manually pinned courses, followed by current enrollments, then future enrollments and past enrollments.

To search for a course:

1. Click on the Course Selector drop-down menu (Waffle)

2. Type the Name of the Course or the Course Code

If the course is part of the Study Handbook, it starts with three letters followed by five digits, the academic year and period.

Course Selector drop-down menu

Now you know how to find courses in Brightspace!