Student SupportBrightspace Manuals for studentsCOMMUNICATION: Groups, Discussions, EmailGroups | How to subscribe to a group in Brightspace (self-enrollment)

Groups | How to subscribe to a group in Brightspace (self-enrollment)

Projects and assignments can be organised in Groups. For some courses, you may be asked to enroll yourself in one of the groups offered.  

This article shows how to:

Subscribing to a group

Navigate to the course, in the green navigation bar

1. Click on Communication, a drop-down menu will appear

2. Click Groups


To view the groups available

3. In the page Groups that will open, select the blue button View Available Groups

To open the View Available Groups page

You will be redirected to the Available Groups page, where all the group you can join are listed.

  1. Click Join Group to select the group you want to subscribe
Interface Available Groups

You will be redirected to the page My Groups where you have an overview of the groups you are enrolled in

Interface My Groups

It is also possible to view the group members by clicking on the blue colored number under the column Members.


Now you know how to successfully self-enroll in a group in Brightspace!

Want to know more about groups work in Brightspace? 

Please visit: