Student SupportBrightspace Manuals for studentsCOURSE HOME: Announcements, CalendarAnnouncements | How to remove and retrieve Announcements

Announcements | How to remove and retrieve Announcements

Teachers will use Announcements to share important information. These will be visible immediately on the homepage of the course. You are also able to remove an Announcement from the homepage. It will be stored in an archive and can be retrieved.

How to remove an Announcement

Navigate to your Course Home, then go to the Announcements section.

1. Click on the cross in the upper right corner of the announcement you would like to remove

Click on the cross in the right corner of the announcement section

How to retrieve an Announcement

To restore an announcement that you have removed from the view go to your Course Home. Then navigate to the Announcements section.

1. Click on the downward arrow next to the Announcements, a drop-down menu will appear

2. Click on Go to Announcements Tool

Click the downward arrow next to announcements, a drop down menu will appear click on Go to Announcements Tool

This action will open the Announcements page with all the course announcements. There you can see all the announcements, also the ones you have removed, dismissed. To restore the announcement to the Course Home view navigate to the announcement in question (you can locate it by a text in parenthesis indicating dismissed).

3. Click on the downward arrow next to the title of the Announcement

4. Click on Restore

Click the downward arrow next to the title of the announcement you wish to restore, a drop-down menu will appear, then click on Restore

Now you know how to remove and retrieve Announcements in Brightspace!