Calendar | How to use the Calendar in Brightspace

Use the Calendar tool to arrange and visualize course events in multiple views and enable the integration of the course content and your Calendar.

This article shows how to:

Access your Brightspace Homepage. Then,

1. Click on the arrow next to Calendar

2. Click on Go to Calendar

WUR Brightspace homepage - Calendar

You have now accessed the Calendar page.

Explaining the Calendar page

On the Calendar page you can see multiple things:

Calendar page

Top bar options

1. Calendar views

The five different modalities of showing events in your calendar:

  • Agenda: This is the view mode your agenda is currently on. In this view mode, events are described with a text description and plenty of details on e.g. time, type of event, and related course(s).
  • Day: In this view mode the events for each day are shown, and the time slot that each event occupies. By clicking on such an event, a small pop-up page opens with more details about the event.
  • Week: This mode distributes events amongst two axes: on the X-axis, the days of the week are shown and on the Y-axis the hours of each day.
  • Month: Here, the small calendar on the right is expanded and shown in more detail. The X-axis displays the days of the week, and on the Y-axis the progression of the month. Each day is filled with coloured boxes with a small description of each event of the day.
  • List: This view mode only shows the events in order of upcoming date. The events shown can be filtered by their category (e.g. to show only the Materials and the Assignments)
2. Manage Calendar buttons

In the upper right of your screen, you have the option to:

Body of the page

3. Calendar events extension

Click on the arrows to the left of Today and Tomorrow to change the extension of the agenda shown to, for example, Next 7 days and Next 14 days.

4. Calendar events by course name

The calendar displayed will depend on where you visit your Calendar page from; e.g. if you visit the Calendar from your course it will display the name of the course; if you visit it from the WUR Brightspace homepage it will show All the Calendars that have been shared with you.

When selecting a certain calendar from the list, it will show the activities of that particular Calendar. You have the option to choose for example the calendar of one specific course. In order to do so, click on All Calendars and choose the course you want to have agenda information on.

5. Calendar events by type

Instead of the Date, the events can be divided by Course and Category (e.g. Quizzes, Assignments, Surveys, and so on). 

When clicking for example on Course, your calendar will show you the events that you have in a certain period on the basis of the different courses.

Right bar

6. Monthly Calendar view

The Calendar on the right of your screen shows a monthly overview. The dates that carry the blue dots underneath them are dates that have events or tasks planned. The calendar helps to give a quick overview of when these moments are.

7. Tasks

Here you are able to manage your personal tasks:

  • Subscribe to a task
  • Set all Completed 
  • Delete tasks
  1. First, you will have to create a task. For example, "Write theoretical framework". You can do so by clicking in the field Add a task.

Once you create a task it will appear in the list of Tasks.

Tasks - create a task
  1. Click on the task to add due date and a note.
Tasks - add due date and note to task


Now you know how to use the Calendar in Brightspace!

Want to know more about the Calendar tool in Brightspace? 

Please visit: