How to use OneDrive WageningenUR

For storing, collaborating and sharing files for your studies at WUR you use 'OneDrive WageningenUR’. You can install it free of charge as part of Office 365 on a Windows laptop or MacBook. This OneDrive is connected to the OneDrive you use on a computer in the PC rooms. When you save a document on a computer in the PC room to your OneDrive, you can open this on your own computer as well.

OneDrive WageningenUR is not the same OneDrive that you use privately.

1. Go to the OneDrive sign at the bottom right and click on More / Settings

NB. If you do not see the OneDrive sign in the lower right corner: Go to the start menu and type in OneDrive. After opening the folder, right click somewhere in the white area. Press settings and account. From here you can follow the instructions below

2. Click on Add an account

3. Enter your WUR email and click Sign in. Enter your password on the WUR login page and click Sign in

NB. It will take some time before you can continue

4. Click Next and than click on the > button to complete the short demo

5. Click on Open my OneDrive folder and your ‘OneDrive WageningenUR’ is ready for use