Where can I find the software I need?

In the table below you will find an overview of all software and how to obtain it.

Read how to reach and use the WUR AppStore in Step by step instructions to install and use the WUR Appstore

Software Offering form Version
Adobe Suite License for sale via www.surfspot.nl Variable version
AlelleA1 Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0
AnacondaPython Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2021.11
AndroidStudio Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
Anipro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.28
APE Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0.61
ArcGisDesktop Can be found in the WUR Appstore Multiple versions available
ArcGIS-Pro Can be found in the WUR Appstore, more details 2.6.3
Arduino Can be found in the WUR Appstore Store app
AtlasTI Can be found in the WUR Appstore 22.0.5
Audacity Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
AutoCAD Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink)
For a student educational licence click here
Variable version
Beast Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.10.4
BioEdit Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.2.5
BiologyInMotion Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
BioWin Currently not available on your own device 6.0
BMDS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.2
Canoco Can be found in the WUR Appstore 5.12
CFX Maestro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.3
CHEAQS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2014
ChemOfficeProfessional Accessible via this Weblink 22
Chromas Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.6.6
Chromeleon Custom installation Variable version
CLASS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0.2
ClimHydroTool Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0
CLIMWAT Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0
ClustalX Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.1
Cn3D Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.3
Coach Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.6
CoinToss Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2
COMSOLMultiphysics Currently not available on your own device 5.4
Copasi Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.7
CROPWAT Can be found in the WUR Appstore 8.0
CytoScape Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.8.0
DigiPhotCam Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.9
Duflow Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.8.7
EclipseEE Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
EcoPath Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.6
ECOsat Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.9
EcoSim Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0
EddyPro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.2
EEGlab Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2024.2.1
EndNote Can be found in the WUR Appstore 20.2
ENVImet Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.0
EPD Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.3.2
E-PrimePro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.0.x
ErdasImagine Currently not available on your own device
eSankey Can be found in the WUR Appstore
EvoDots Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.1
FICOXpress Can be found in the WUR Appstore 8.14
FigTree Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.4.3
Fiji(ImageJ) Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.52
Filezilla Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
Firefox Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
FlexAnalysis Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.4
FlexPDE Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.16
FLIMfit Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) 5.1.1
FST Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.12
GAMESS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0.13
GAMS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 32.2
GapLightAnalyzer Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0
Geneious Can be found in the WUR Appstore
GenManSim Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.1
Genstat Can be found in the WUR Appstore
GeoDa Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.14
Glassim Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.0
GMS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 10.5.6
GnomSpace Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0
Google Earth Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.3.2
Gpower Can be found in the WUR Appstore
Grads Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0
Graphdb Can be found in the WUR Appstore 9.4.1
GRIND Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.17
GroIMP Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.5
HaploView Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.2
HBV Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.1
HEC-RAS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 5.0.7
Hydrus Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.20
ImageLab Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.1.0
Inventor Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
Irfanview Can be found in the WUR Appstore Store app
JAGS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.3.0
KinemageViewer Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.36
Lapsus Can be found in the WUR Appstore 5
LeefOmgevingsVerkenner Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0
LeicaLASAFLite Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.6.0
LISEM Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.01
Lumion For a student educational licence click here Variable version
MapComparisonKit Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.2
Maple Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2022
MapQTL Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.0.6
MathcadPrime7 Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.0
Matlab2013a Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) 2013a
Matlab2017b Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) 2017b
Matlab2018b Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) 2018b
MatlabCompilerRuntime Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
Maxent Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.3
MaxQuant Can be found in the WUR Appstore
McRobot Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.1
MEGA Can be found in the WUR Appstore 11.0.8
Mesquite Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.6
Metashape Currently not available on your own device
MicroAethCOM Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.2
Midas Currently not available on your own device
MidasPlayer Can be found in the WUR Appstore 5
MiKTeX Can be found in the WUR Appstore 21.6
MobaXterm Can be found in the WUR Appstore 20.3
MolecularPractical Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0
MrBayes Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.2
MSFileReader Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.2
MySQL Can be found in the WUR Appstore 8.0.17
NAMD Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.13
NDICEA Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.0
NetLogo Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.2.1
NutShell Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.87
Office 365 Free to use and download via www.office.com with your WUR account 365
OLISystemsSoftwarebundel Currently not available on your own device
OpenSourceGISsoftware Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0
Ovito Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.9.0
Panoply Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.10
Paup Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.0
Perseus Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0.11
PMx Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.6.2
Popgene.S2 Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0.0
Populus Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.0
PowerSampleSize Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.6
PQRS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.4
ProjectPro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 365
Protege Can be found in the WUR Appstore 5.5.0
Putty Can be found in the WUR Appstore Variable version
PyCharm Free 'Community Edition' available here 2023.3.3
QGIS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.14
R(includingRstudio) Can be found in the WUR Appstore, more details 4.1.0
RamusEducational Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.1.1
Risk/DecisionToolsSuite Currently not available on your own device
Rstudio Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.4
SAGA-GIS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.4.0
SAS Currently not available on your own device
SchlumBG Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.20
SelAction Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.1
SequenceMatrix Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.8
SimaPro Currently not available on your own device
Simon Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0.5
SimplyTagging Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.3
SketchUpPro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2021
Smart Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.3
SplitsTree Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.9
SPM Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.2
SPSS Statistics License for sale via www.surfspot.nl Variable version
STAN Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.6
Stata Can be found in the WUR Appstore 16.0
Stella Can be found in the WUR Appstore 8.0
SuperProDesigner Can be found in the WUR Appstore 12.0
SURDEV Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.0
Swap Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.0
SwissPdbViewer Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.1
SWMM Can be found in the WUR Appstore 5.1
SynBioSys Can be downloaded from the website 3.3.3
Teams Free to use and download via www.office.com with your WUR account
TestoComfortPro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.3
TNT Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.5
TortoiseSVN Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.14.1
Tracer Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.7.1
TRAP Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.30a
TreeAgeDATADecisionAnalysis Can be found in the WUR Appstore 3.5
TropCrop Can be found in the WUR Appstore 2.44
Unity3D Can be found in the WUR Appstore (Weblink) Variable version
UV-Analyst Can be found in the WUR Appstore 5.44
Vectorworks Can be found in the WUR Appstore
For a student educational licence click here
Variable version
Vensim Can be found in the WUR Appstore 7.1
VirtualMicroscope Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0
VisioPro Can be found in the WUR Appstore 365
VMD Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.9.3
WinBUGS Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.4.1
WinFlume Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.0.6
Work&Move Can be found in the WUR Appstore 1.47.6
Xcalibur Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.5
XMing Can be found in the WUR Appstore 6.9
ZeissImageBrowser Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.2.0
Zen Lite Can be found in the WUR Appstore
Zonation Can be found in the WUR Appstore 4.0.0