MatLab: How to install
This manual explains how to install MatLab. You can access MatLab via the downloadlink in the WUR AppStore of via this direct link. If you want to install the WUR AppStore, you can follow the manual Install the WUR AppStore.
After using the link, you will be redirected to this page. Please discuss with your teacher which version of MatLab you need. At the WUR, version R2019b is being used.
1. Click on Click here to download any other version of Matlab
2. Click on R2019b or any other version you need to download. If you don't know which one to choose, go for R2019b and follow the instructions
3. Click on Create Account to create a new account with your WUR email address.
4. Create an account with your WUR email address, you need this to use the WUR licence
5. You receive the following email to verify your email address. Click on Verify your email
6. Enter your name and a password to create a profile
7. Click on the highlighted button to start the download process
8. Click on the button to download the software.
9. Click on save as before running the installation. Accept the terms of license agreement and click on next.
10. Select Log in with a MathWorks Account and click on Next
11. Log in to the account you have just created with your WUR email address and click on next
12. Select the licence and click on Next
13. Choose the installation folder (preselected folder) and click on next
14. Follow the preselected products to install and click on next
NB. If you need any additional products, your teacher will explain beforehand
15. Select the shortcuts that you prefer, recommended is at least the Start menu. Click on next
16. This is the confirmation that your license is accepted. Click on Install to start the installation
17. Activate Matlab and click on Next. You can now use the software for your studies