How to find a course in the Course catalogue?

In the Course catalogue you are able to search for courses, minors and degree programs you would like to follow. Here all courses offered at Wageningen University & Research in this and previous academic years are shown. In addition, more information about the courses can be obtained in the Course catalogue. If you want to know what information and how to obtain this, take a look at the manual What information can be found if a course is selected in the Course catalogue?

This manual describes how to find a course in the Course catalogue.

1. Click Course catalogue in the Menu

2. Click COURSES in the Course catalogue overview

3. To search for a specific course use the search bar

4. To search the Course catalogue for courses you might want to follow, you can use the filters. For more information about this tool, read the manual How to use the filters in the Course catalogue.

5. Clicking on a course gives you more information. To get to know more about what information you can find here, read the manual What information can be found if a course is selected in the Course catalogue?