How to know if my programme is approved or not?
After requesting approval for your study programme, it is possible to check whether your study programme is approved by your study advisor and by the examining board.
This manual describes how to know whether your your study programme is approved by your study advisor and by the examining board.
NOTE: Announcements regarding the status of your request for approval are shown on top of the screen.

1. After you have submitted your study programme for approval in the PlanApp you get the message that your proposal electives has been submitted for approval
To know how to request approval, see the manual How to request approval for electives?.

2. When your study advisor approved your proposed study programme, you get the message that your plan has received a positive advice

NOTE: If you move your mouse over the circled i, you will see more information regarding your proposed study programme and notes from your study advisor.

3. When your study advisor did not approve your proposed study programme, you get the message that your plan has been rejected. When your plan has been rejected, you have to contact your study advisor, change your plan and request for approval again

4. When the examining board approved your proposed study programme, you get the message that your proposal electives has been approved. It is important to note that you first needs to have a positive advice from your study advisor before the examining board can approve your proposal

NOTE: If you move your mouse over the circled i, you will see more information regarding your proposed study programme and notes from either your study advisor or the examining board.

5. When the examining board did not approve your proposed study programme, you get the message that your proposal electives has been rejected. When your proposal electives has been rejected by the examining board, contact your study advisor