How to switch to a new exam programme in the PlanApp?

The situation might occur that you must change the starting year of your exam programme in your PlanApp. For example if you want to  participate in a specialisation which is introduced in a later year than you started with your study programme. You can use the draft function in the PlanApp to change the starting year of your programme. 

BE AWARE you can only switch to a new exam programme after you have approval from your study advisor and the exam committee. If you do not have approval, you will get an error notification at step 7.

BE AWARE to always save your plan in between changes and before you close the PlanApp. 

BE AWARE that when you overrule your original (approved) plan, you again have to request approval for your new plan. How to request approval is described in the manual How to request approval for electives?

This manual describes how to change your exam programme, for example in order to be able to participate in a new specialisation

1. If you have a previously approved programme, first re-submit your programme by following the steps the manual How to re-submit previously approved electives?

If you do not have a previously approved programme, you can skip this step and immediately go to step 2.

2. Click on the DRAFT button to open the drop down menu.

3. Click on New draft

TIP: When you choose New draft, an (almost) empty plan will be generated. It might be helpful to first make a screenshot of the courses in your default plan to easily plan the courses again in your new plan.

4. Enter a Name for your draft which you can easily distinguish from your original plan, e.g. MNH-NEW
5. At First Year, select the year of the exam programme in which the specialisation you want to participate in was introduced, e.g. 2020-2021

NOTE: This is the crucial step! Although you might have started with your study in 2019-2020, you enter 2020-2021 since the specialisation you want to participate in was introduced in 2020-2021.

6. At Educations, select which study you are following, e.g. M Master Nutrition and Health
7. Select what Study Programme you want to use, e.g. Master Nutrition and Health (2020)

NOTE: Here, you need to enter the same year as in step 5!

8. When you're done, click on ADD

A new draft of your study programme is generated. Now, you need to overwrite your default plan with your draft plan.

9. Click on DRAFT

NOTE: You can switch between your default plan and draft plan. To go back to your default plan (or other draft) click on the downwards arrow next to the name of your draft and choose the plan you want to go back to.

10. Click on Overwrite plan

11. If you are sure you want to overwrite your default plan with this plan, click on PROCEED
12. After overwriting your default plan with your new plan, you can add the courses in the correct place

NOTE: To plan the courses which are part of the specialisation you want to participate in, it is important to first enrol in the desired specialisation in Osiris Student. For detailed information on how to do this, follow the step in the manual How to enrol in a specialisation?

NOTE: You might have to modify your first year and/or add a year for all your courses to show up in your planning. How to do this is explained in the manual How to add a year to/delete a year from my planning?

BE AWARE to always save your plan in between changes and before you close the PlanApp.

13. After you completed all steps mentioned above, and planned your complete programme (at least 180 ECTS for BSc and at least 120 ECTS for MSc), you can request approval for electives again. For detailed information on how to do this go to the manual How to request approval for electives?