How to read the study progress overview?
In the study progress overview you can see the progress over your programme. You can for each component of your programme and/or specialisation see how many credits you need, how many credits you already obtained and whether you meet the criteria of this component. Furthermore, you can also see the status of approval of your electives, and a list of your grades. For an explanation how to obtain the study progress overview see the manual: How to obtain a list of my grades?
This manual describes more information about the study progress overview.

The first part of your study progress overview shows your student number and the programme and specialisation you are enrolled for.
NOTE: Here you can also see the status of approval for your electives. If you want to request approval for your electives see the following manual: How to request approval for electives?

Below Programme, you can for each component of your programme and/or specialisation see how many credits you need to obtain, how many you obtained and if you passed this component of your programme and/or specialisation.
There are different clusters of courses that need to be completed:
- Of the cluster 'Compulsory courses in Common Part' or 'Compulsory courses in Spec ...' all courses need to be completed.
- Of the cluster 'Restricted Optionals in Common Part' not all courses need to be completed. Check the details of your programme and/or specialisation to see how many courses of this category need to be completed. This can be found in the course catalogue.
NOTE: You only passed a component of your programme and/or specialisation when you really obtained all needed courses.
NOTE: In some programmes the minimal number of credits in a cluster can be 0.0, but this cluster can still be compulsory. This means that the courses in that cluster are compulsory unless you did these, or comparable courses during your bachelor. In that case, discuss with your study advisor whether you need to follow these courses or not. The study advisor can adapt your programme in such a way that you don't need to follow these courses.

When you have one or more individual arrangement(s) (courses placed in your programme by a study advisor or the examining board), these can be found under 'Individual arrangements'
NOTE: Courses of an individual arrangement are always mandatory.

In the study progress overview you can also see a list of your grades.
NOTE: When the number of credits is placed between brackets, you did not yet pass this course.

NOTE: When an elective course is approved by the study advisor and examining board (in the plan app) it states ‘approved’ behind the number of credits. However, also note that this is not the case for courses within a minor that is approved.

NOTE: Courses under ‘Other’ will not be shown on your diploma supplement. These are courses that are not (yet) approved as electives by your study advisor and/or examening board. If you want to request approval for these courses, see the following manual: How to request approval for electives?

TIP: When you selected Yes for ‘Print courses to still be completed’, you also see for clusters with ‘Restricted Optionals’ which courses you can or must still complete. If you already have a 'Yes' for this cluster in the Programme part of the study progress overview, it is optional to follow extra courses in this cluster. However, when you have a 'No' for this cluster in the programme part, it means you need to follow more of these course. The number of courses you need to follow differs per programme and/or specialisation. To check these requirements, see the course guide.

TIP: At the bottom of the study progress overview you will find an overview of the credits per period. This overview also includes a weighted average and a judicium average of your grades.
The weighted average is the average grade of all courses in the individual programme for which a grade between 6 and 10 is obtained. The judicium average is calculated differently; the results of theses and internships are excluded.