How to use the filters in the Enrol menu?
In the Enrol menu you can enrol in courses and tests offered at Wageningen University & Research. To easily search for these courses and tests you can use the filter options.
This manual explains how to use the filters in the Enrol menu

1. Click on a filter see the options for this filter

2. Tick the box before a filter option to select the filter. It is possible to select more than one filter
When one filter is selected, options for another filter might disappear, since the combination of those filter options is not available.
3. The courses found with the selected filters are shown on the right of the screen.
TIP: At the top of the screen the used filters are shown.
4. To clear the filters, untick the box before a filter, click the cross next to a filter or (to clear all filters) click CLEAR FILTERS.
Explanation per filter

5. Show: contains the option "only open for course registration".
6. My programme: contains the different components within your programme.
NOTE: the filter My programme is only shown when your logged-in in Osiris.
7. Academic year: with his filter you can choose courses within one of the selected academic year(s).
8. (Starting) Period: with this filter you can select courses offered within one of the selected periods or a course taught throughout the whole academic year.
9. Timeslot: with this filter you can select courses offered within a specific timeslot.
10. Chair Group: with this filter you can select courses offered by a specific chair group.
11. Language of Instructions: with this filter you can select courses taught in a specific language.
NOTE: some courses are taught in Dutch and English. In which language the course is taught depends on the period.
12. Modular Skills Training Course (MOS): with this filter you can select whether a course needs to be a MOS or not.
13. Taught fully online: with this filter you can select courses taught fully online. For example, courses part of the distance learning MSc programmes offered at Wageningen University or MOOCs for credits.
14. Locations of Teaching: this filter contains the different cities in which Wageningen University offers courses.