How to make use of special facilities?
In order to make use of a facility, you need to have permission to use this specific facility. For more information on how to request for a facility, see the manual How to request special facilities via Cases?
If you have permission to use a special facility, Osiris automatically shows this in My Details in the Facilities tab. Do note that you have to apply for your facility for every course or test you enrol in, upon enrolling in Osiris for the course/test. You can find an overview of the description and actions of each facility at the bottom of this manual. There are also special facilities available that you can use while taking your digital exam in Ans, click this video for a short overview.
This manual describes how to make use of special facilities
BE AWARE: the student deans will not grant you facilities for an examination for which you can no longer register the facilities yourself. When you receive facilities from the student dean and want to apply them to future courses/tests for which you're already registered, you can disenroll for the test (or where relevant course) and re-enroll including the facilities.
1. Click on My details shown in the upper left corner of the screen

2. Click on Facilities
3. If you have permission to use special facilities, a list of your facilities is shown
For every course or test in which you enrol, you have to apply for your facility by selecting the facility you want to use for the course or the test.
4. Select all facilities you want to use
5. Click on the green arrow
TIP: If you decide you want to change the way in which you want to use a facility, you need to disenrol and thereafter re-enrol in the course or test. When you re-enrol in the course or test, select the right choice of facilities.
7. After you selected all facilities you want to use for the course or test, this will be shown at the specific course under My enrolments
NOTE: It is no longer necessary to send 'Teacher Letters' ('Docentenbrieven'), except when otherwise informed by the student dean. In most cases you as student don't receive such a statement anymore as it is all dealt with through Osiris.
8. Overview of facilities with the description, explanation, details and actions you have to take as a student: