How to plan a course in the PlanApp?
You can use the Osiris PlanApp to plan you individual study programme and to request approval for your electives. Planning your courses and/or minors can be done in several ways in the PlanApp . Via Plan Later (A), via Curriculum (B), via the Course Catalogue (C) and via the plan menu (D).
BE AWARE that some courses are offered throughout multiple periods or years. This includes many of the Theses, Internships and Research Practices. For more detailed information, see one of the following manuals:
- How to plan a thesis, research practice or internship?
- How to plan a course which takes place in multiple periods or years?
BE AWARE to always save your plan in between changes and before you close the PlanApp. Additionally, to make your plan definite, you need to request approval for your electives. For information on how to request approval for your electives, see the manual How to request approval for electives?
This manual describes how to plan a course in the PlanApp
1. Open the PlanApp via Osiris
Now an overview of your planning is shown.
In the PlanApp you can plan courses via Plan Later (A), via Curriculum (B), via the Course Catalogue (C) and via the plan menu (D). You can use the Plan Later (A) menu to plan courses of your curriculum you still need or want to plan. In the Curriculum (B) menu an overview of the different components of your study programme and specialisation are shown. You can use the Course Catalogue (C) to search for courses and minors you want to follow. Here all courses offered at Wageningen University & Research are shown. Lastly, Via the + option (D) you can also plan courses. To get to know more about planning courses from another university see the manual How to plan electives from another university?
A. How to plan a course via Plan Later
1. In the Plan menu, click on PLAN LATER at the upper right of your screen to unfold the PLAN LATER menu
You can use the PLAN LATER menu to plan courses of your curriculum you still need or want to plan.
2. Look up the course you want to plan and click on PLAN NOW
NOTE: When a course is already planned, it will become grey.
3. When PLAN NOW is chosen, choose in which year and period you plan to follow the course
When the year in which you want to follow the course is not in your overview, you can add another year. To see how to add a year see the manual How to add another year to my planning?
NOTE: The green square indicates in which period the course is normally given. It is also indicated if the course is given in the morning (MO), afternoon (AF), whole day (WD) or distance learning (DL).
4. Now your course is planned in the selected year and period
Note: For requesting permission from the examining board for your electives, it is not a problem if a course is in the wrong period in the PlanApp. As long as the course is in the PlanApp.
B. How to plan a course via Curriculum
1. Click on Curriculum at the top of your screen
In the Curriculum menu an overview of the different components of your study programme and specialisation are shown.
2. Click on PLAN NOW next to the course you want to plan
TIP: You can click on the 'i' symbol to get more information on the course.
TIP: Beneath the different components of your curriculum it is shown what the minimum number of points is you need to achieve for this component, what number of point you already achieved and what number of points you already planned.
TIP: When you achieved the minimum number of credits for a component, a check mark will appear behind that specific component.
NOTE: When a course is already planned, it will become grey.
3. When PLAN NOW is chosen, choose in which year and period you plan to follow the course
When the year in which you want to follow the course is not in your overview, you can add another year. To see how to add a year see the manual How to add another year to my planning?
NOTE: The green square indicates in which period the course is normally given. It is also indicated if the course is given in the morning (MO), afternoon (AF), whole day (WD) or distance learning (DL).
4. Now your course is planned in the selected year and period
Note: It is not a problem if a course is in the wrong period in the PlanApp. As long as the course is in the PlanApp.
C. How to plan a course via Course Catalogue
1. Click on Course Catalogue at the top of your screen
You can use the Course Catalogue to search for courses and minors you want to follow. Here all courses offered at Wageningen University are shown.
2. Click COURSES at the upper left of the screen
3. You can search for courses with the search bar or by using the filters
4. When you found the course you want to plan you can either choose PLAN NOW or PLAN LATER
When you click on PLAN LATER, the course will appear in the PLAN LATER menu next to your overview in the Plan menu. How to plan a course via Plan later is described in A. How to plan a course via Plan later.
TIP: You can click on the 'i' symbol to get more information on the course.
5. When PLAN NOW is chosen, choose in which period you plan to follow the course
When the year in which you want to follow the course is not in your overview, you can add another year. To see how to add a year see the manual How to add another year to my planning?
NOTE: The green square indicates in which period the course is normally given. It is also indicated if the course is given in the morning (MO), afternoon (AF), whole day (WD) or distance learning (DL).
6. Now your course is planned in the selected year and period
Note: It is not a problem if a course is in the wrong period in the PlanApp. As long as the course is in the PlanApp.
D. Plan via + option
1. Click on the + in the year and period you would like to plan a course
When the year in which you want to follow the course is not in your overview, you can add another year. To see how to add a year see the manual How to add another year to my planning?
2. If you scroll down to the course, you can select the course, if the course is in the list of options
3. You can 'make up' your own courses. Only use this option when explitely instructed to do so (for extentions of internship or in the case of some double specialisation/double master programmes). Do NOT use this for courses at another university, as for that we have the self-service option as decribed in the manual: How to plan electives from another university?
4. Click on ADD to add the course to the selected period
TIP: You can also search for the course in the Course Catalogue by clicking on SEARCH IN COURSE CATALOGUE.
5. Now your course is planned in the selected year and period.
Note: It is not a problem if a course is in the wrong period in the PlanApp. As long as the course is in the PlanApp.