How to check my previous requests for approval?
It is possible to check your previous requests for approval in the PlanApp. Important to note is that once you have submitted a request for approval, you can't see your historically requests for approval.
This manual describes how to check your previous requests for approval via the PlanApp.
1. Click on OPTIONS in the menu bar
2. Click on Show history

3. The following screen will appear. In this screen you can see the number of credits that is required for your proposal, the number of credits that you have selected, the assessment moment and the status of your proposal on the left side
4. On the right side of the screen, an overview of your choices for the proposal is given
NOTE: Also your explanation, the advice given by the study advisor and the decision made by the examining board are shown.

5. In the screen that appears, you can also select previously submitted proposals for electives by unfolding the arrow
6. For these previously submitted proposals it is also possible to check all information described above