How to plan a minor in the PlanApp?
You can use the Osiris PlanApp to plan your individual study programme and to request approval for your electives. Planning your minor can be done via Course Catalogue and Plan Later. It is also possible to plan an individual minor. For a detailed explanation on how to plan an individual minor, see the manual How to plan an individual minor in the PlanApp?
BE AWARE to always save your plan in between changes and before you close the PlanApp. Additionally, to make your plan definite, you need to request approval for your electives. For information on how to request approval for your electives, see the manual How to request approval for electives?
BE AWARE if a minor consists of both CS and RO courses, you might get the error message "Not enough modules have been chosen for minor xxx" when you try to submit the proposal electives for approval. When you choose sufficient credits from the minor, you can ignore this message and submit your proposal electives for appoval.
This manual describes how to plan a minor in the PlanApp
1. Click on Course Catalogue at the top of your screen
You can use the Course Catalogue to search for courses and minors you want to follow. Here, all minors offered at Wageningen University & Research are shown.
2. The Course Catalogue for minors automatically opens. You can now search for minors through the search bar or by using the filters
3. When you found the minor you want to plan click on PLAN LATER next to the name of the minor
Now the minor has been moved to the Plan Later menu
4. Go back to Plan
5. Click on the arrow next to the minor title to unfold the courses in the minor
6. To plan a course from the minor, click on PLAN NOW
You need to plan every individual course to plan the whole minor.
TIP: You can click on the course name to get more information on the course.
NOTE: When a course is already planned, it will become grey.
7. When PLAN NOW is chosen, choose in which year and period you plan to follow the course
How to add an extra year to your plan is described in the manual How to add a year to/delete a year from my planning?
NOTE: The green circle indicates in which period the course is normally given. It is also indicated if the course is given in the morning (MO), afternoon (AF) or whole day (WD).
8. Now you can see the course in the Plan menu for the selected year and period
It is important to note that you plan a whole minor at once instead of separate courses only. So, always plan all courses from the chosen minor.
TIP: Save your plan before you submit your proposal electives for approval.
NOTE: The minor title will disappear from the Plan later menu after you have planned all courses from the minor. This means that you planned the minor correctly.
9. When you submit your electives for approval, you should see the minor title and courses. You need to select all courses within the minor.
How to request approval for electives? (with validate button)