How to plan a double MSc program in the PlanApp?

You can use the Osiris PlanApp to plan your individual study programme and to request approval for your electives. This includes planning a double MSc program. A double MSc program, however, comes with some additional requirements and responsibilities, so please read this manual carefully.

BE AWARE: to always save your plan in between changes and before you close the PlanApp.

This manual describes how to plan a double MSc program. If you consider a double MSc program please consult your study advisor, the additional requirements in the Education and Examination Regulations of Wageningen University and the Examining Board.

1. Plan all courses of master degree program one. Including your thesis, internship or research practice. The program must meet all specific requirements for this specific master degree program. For more information about planning courses please have a look at the manual: How to plan a course in the PlanApp?

2. Click the plan button to switch to your second master degree program

3. Plan all courses of master degree program two. Including your thesis, internship or research practice. The program must meet all specific requirements for this specific master degree program

TIP: Sometimes you started your first master program in an earlier year then the second one. In this case it is important to change the start year of your second master program to the start year of your first master program. How to change the first year of your program is explained in the manual: How to add a year to/delete a year from my planning?

4. Additional requirements are set for a double MSc program. Basically, each programme should have 60 unique credits including its own thesis. Details are to be found in the Education and Examination Regulations (EER/OER), see student charter at the following website (please copy the link and paste it in your web browser if clicking the link does not work):

TIP: A final thesis must be included in both programs. Both theses must have a unique code. It is not possible to have two results registered on the same thesis code. Therefore, plan a thesis with an unique thesis code in both programs.

5. After planning your program you need to request approval for your electives. Make sure you submit both programs for approval and preferably do this simultaneously. Since both programs two times are planned in total, make sure you do not submit electives for approval within the program they are not intended to be an elective in. So, when a course is only part of master program A, do not submit it as an elective of master program B. For more information on how to request approval for electives, see the manual ‘how to request approval for electives.’

When asking approval for your electives always indicate that it concerns a double MSc program. In addition, you need to upload a document with in three columns an overview of:

  • Unique credits of program 1 (List of course names, course codes and credits)
  • Unique credits of program 2 (List of course names, course codes and credits)
  • Shared credits (List of course names, course codes and credits)

A sample document can be found here:

TIP: during the request for approval process in the ‘explanation student’ box, please mention it considers one program of two MSc programmes. This is especially relevant if your programmes are handled by separate examining boards.

NOTE: If an individual arrangement is required for one of the two programs, for example to be able to include a shared internship or shared ACT/MOS in the program, you should submit a motivation to the Examining Board in time by email. This motivation should already be approved by your study advisor and has to include the internship topic, the course code, and the names of the WUR supervisor and examiner. For example, when an internship at the chair group of FQD is an option in one of the MSc programs, but not in the other, still the internship subject is related to both MSc programs. Then, it is possible to acknowledge this internship for both MSc programs. This should be requested via the process above.

NOTE: It is not possible to include individual minors in the unique part of one of the programs. An individual MSc minor always counts for both programs and must be approved for both programs.

6. Upon graduation, the Examining Board verifies whether all the requirements set in the Students charter (step 4) for a double MSc program are met. Please note: If you do not meet the additional requirements set in the Education and Examination Regulations you will not graduate.