Student SupportOsiris - Student information, course enrollment, study progressPLANAPP: Request approvalFrequently occurring warnings/announcements in the PlanApp and how to solve them

Frequently occurring warnings/announcements in the PlanApp and how to solve them

You may receive warnings or announcements when validating your study programme in the PlanApp.

This manual describes frequently occurring warnings and announcements in the PlanApp and how you may solve them.

Warnings and announcements may show up in the PlanApp when you validate your study programme. Validating your study programme is useful to check if you meet all requirements of your study programme. The following warnings and announcements may show up:

1. Not enough courses planned: xxx credits are required

This warning can be ignored if you have planned enough credits. A minimum of 180 credits are required for the bachelor programme and a minimum of 120 credits are required for the master programme.

2. There are not enough courses planned for study programme component xxx, x credits required

This is a warning to make sure you plan enough courses for a certain component of your study programme. When you get this warning, you have to plan more courses for this part of your study programme.

3. The following compulsory courses are still missing in the planning: xxx

This warning is shown to remind you that you still need to plan the compulsory course in your study programme.


4. Entry requirements are not met

This warning can be ignored if you meet the prerequisites of a course. You can still submit your electives for approval if this warning appears.

5. Period contains more than xx credits

This announcement reminds you that you planned more than 15 credits in one period. For period 3 and 4 the announcement indicates that you planned more than 9 credits. Be aware that you can enrol for courses up to 18 credits in one period. For period 3 and 4 you can enrol for courses up to 12 credits.

NOTE: for a thesis, research practice or internship you will always receive this announcement. Since, those are only planned in period 1 of the year you want to follow them. In this case, you can ignore this announcement.

6. Own courses are included

This announcement appears if you plan a Custom course. A Custom course could be an external course from another university, a DUMMY-SP course for a double specialisation or an extension for a thesis, research practice or internship. This announcement can be ignored.

7. For course xxx there is a change in timeslots in the academic year 2020

This is an announcement to remind you of the fact that this course will be given in another period in the academic year you planned your course. You have to check whether the change in the time slots fits in your study programme. You can still submit your electives for approval if this announcement appears.

8. There is an overlap in time slots

This is an announcement to remind you that the courses are planned at the same time. You have to check whether it is possible to follow both courses in this period. You can still submit your electives for approval if this announcement appears.